Cross Training with Piano

With many types of training it’s often helpful to take days off from the primary area of training and to focus on training in other related areas – eg, cross training. For singing, areas of cross training might include playing the following instruments Piano Guitar Flute Overall, the Piano is probably the most versatile and is widely used for teaching and understanding music theory.  The keys are laid out so that you can quickly identify notes (something not always as obvious on a guitar or flute for example).  This makes playing scales, building chords, and understanding harmonies a snap. If
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10 Slide Spitting Singing Jokes

Humor is always important when studying and develop a skill. The joy needs to shine through and my favorite voice instructor used to begin each lesson with a good joke (and sometimes several during the lesson – thanks Dr. H!) How about a few FUN Singer Jokes to get us rolling into the Holidays?! Please chime in and share some of your favorites!  And, a drum roll with all the fixin’s 🙂 #10 Q: What is the missing link between the bass and the ape? A: The baritone. #9 Q: Dad, why do the singers rock left and right while
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Think… Inspired Singing! – Don’t Ever Force It! “How to practice” is often not well addressed for students in private lessons, video, or books.  If you’re lucky your private teacher may offer a few hints… Here are a few things you will hear from a teacher that are helpful starting points… “Don’t practice mistakes”… for example, “Practicing at full tempo with errors, only reinforces the errors… because then you’re practicing to perform the errors… slow it down until you can play it perfectly at a slower tempo, then gradually increase…” While this is sound advice and a great starting tips,
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